Salt dough circle with weaving inside

Salt dough circle with weaving inside

After I did a circular weaving I found a recipe to make Christmas decorations out of salt dough, so I thought, let’s try a circle for weaving. It is around 25 cm in diameter and as you can see it is not a perfect circle but I like it like that.

Ingredients for the salt dough:
-        1 cup salt
-        1 cup flour
-        ½ cup water
-        1 tablespoon oil
-        1 tablespoon glue


Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Heat on the stove at medium while stirring ingredients. Stir until it starts to stick. Put dough on the counter and start knead it.
Make the circle. With a toothpick make the holes around the circle. I used a penny to make the indentations on the circle.

Salt dough circle with weaving inside

I put it in the stove for 5-6 hours at 60 degrees Celsius.
I left it for a day before I start weaving. I started to put the thread through the holes around the circle. After that all I had to do was simple weaving with different sizes and colors.
Happy weaving


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