Easter White Wreath

Easter White Wreath

For Easter I made a decoration for our fire place. Simple and white because our fire place is made with wood on top. It is made with leftovers. It is cheap, looks great and I don’t waste materials.

  • -        Road foam wreath
  • -        An old day curtain cut in 7 – 8 cm wide stripes
  • -        Glue
  • -        2 flowers made from old curtains
  • -        Foam silver Easter eggs
  • -        A crocheted I-cord
  • -        1 piece of an old knitted sweater  
  • -        2 different laces


First step is to cut and prepare the laces, I-cord and stripes made of the curtain. I also made the flowers form curtains. They are easy to make. If you have other flowers use them. The same wreath could work for any holiday: Christmas, V- Day, Thanksgiving Day, etc.

Before glued it all together I arranged them to see how it looks. After that I start working on it.
With the curtain stripes I wrapped the wreath so you can’t see the foam. I glued it at the start and at the end. After that I start making the model.

I wrapped the laces so it won’t sit on top of each other and then I put the I-cord. The piece of the sweater was the last one and it was not enough for the entire wreath so I put it just in a corner. In the right part of the piece of sweater I arranged the flowers and then I glued the eggs.

Glue everything at start and at the end so it doesn’t move. You will keep the model right.
If you don’t use Easter eggs will look great for a day to day wreath.
You can make it as a “New house” gift.


Easter White Wreath


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